Hearts In The Ice
Meet Our Advisory Board

Per Kyrre Reymert
Archaeologist & Svalbard Historian

Ulf Prytz
Arctic Legend

Peter Neill
Founder & Director, World Ocean Observatory

Jørn Hurum
University of Oslo, Paleontology Faculty Member

Geir Wing Gabrielsen
Dr. Philos in Zoology, University of Tromsø

Eva Fuglei
Research Scientist, PhD Norwegian Polar Institute

Dianne Chisholm
Professor Emeritus, English Literature and the Environmental Humanities

Torgeir Mørk
Retired Forecaster at the Meteorological office at Svalbard Airport

Heidi Sevestre
Glaciologist, Director of Outreach at the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative

Kim Holmén
International Director, Norwegian Polar Institute Longyearbyen, Norway

Thore Skartveit
Bergtor Investering AS