Hearts In The Ice
About Us
Hearts In The Ice
Hearts in the Ice, created by Hilde Fålun Strøm and Sunniva Sorby, is a platform for social engagement connecting students, scientists, manufacturers, environmental organizations, and all who care about the health of our planet, in the conversation around climate change.
Hearts In The Ice promotes global dialogue about the changes we are experiencing in the Polar Regions, why these changes matter for the rest of the world, and what we can do about protecting our natural world.
Bamsebu began in 2019 as a 9-month overwintering project in the High Arctic of Svalbard, Norway. From August 2019 – May 2020, Hilde (Norway) and Sunniva (Canada) inhabited the 20 sq mtr trappers cabin “Bamsebu”- 78’N. They are the first women in history to over-winter in Svalbard without men.
Hearts In The Ice promotes conversation on issues relating to adventure, female leadership, STEMM, sustainability, Innovation, exploration, diversity, climate action, alternative energy and pushing our boundaries!
Following months of groundwork, www.heartsintheice.com was launched on October 2, 2018. At that time there was a handful of sponsors, a few dedicated advisory board members, and a small number of committed partners, but most importantly, two hearts with a vision to make a difference bigger than themselves, and the energy to make it happen. By October 2019 that vision was a reality. Sunniva and Hilde were at Bamsebu and the adventure had begun!
Where we are now 2020-2021
Education: Hearts In The Ice regularly engages school classrooms from around the world in the climate change conversation with live satellite video chats from Bamsebu with Hilde & Sunniva plus highly qualified guest speakers. Check here for the monthly topics from Nov-May 2021.
Advisory Board: Hearts In The Ice is advised by an impressive 16 member advisory board consisting of scientists, educators, and business leaders committed to advancing knowledge and expanding the climate change conversation on a global level.
Sponsors and Partners: In a short time since Hearts In The Ice launched, they had attracted more than 25 Corporate Sponsors providing equipment, services and critical funding, 27 In-Kind sponsors providing every day essentials, and 25 Partners who committed to furnishing services and promoting Hearts In The Ice through their businesses and social media.
For the year 2020-21 they have 10 major sponsors and 14 in-kind sponsors to help them drive change and engagement even further.
Citizen Science: Hilde and Sunniva serve as citizen scientists at Bamsebu by collecting data for existing research being conducted in the Arctic. Due to their combined 46 years of observations and experience in the Arctic and Antarctic, they are uniquely qualified and inspired to be of service in this way.
Technology: They are actively testing innovative technologies, including solar and wind equipment from Power Controlls, Iridium satellite communication from Marlink, and field testing a Marlink Telemed Kit. They have the smallest carbon footprint possible, reducing all packaging from their suppliers and providers.
Hearts In The Ice

Sunniva Sorby
Project Co-Leader Hearts in the Ice
Polar Ambassador and Citizen Scientist
Senior Polar Guide for PTGA
Member Explorers Club
Fellow, RCGS – Royal Canadian Geographical Society,
Member Society of Women Geographers
Flag Carrier- Wings World Quest
Resident of Squamish, BC, Canada
Member – Historic Women’s South Pole Expedition 92-93- First Canadian Woman
Expedition Leader Greenland Crossing 1999 – First Canadian Woman
Expedition Leader King George Island Crossing 1998
Skied Sierra Haute Route 1996
Climbed Kilimanjaro 5 times
Lead Instructor for Adventure 16 – Backpacking, Backcountry Navigation, Winter camping
Born in Tonsberg Norway – raised in Canada
Nominated as Woman of the Year in 2002 for efforts to promote sports education for young girls and women
Worked as Historian/Zodiac driver in Svalbard, Canadian Arctic and Antarctica
Frequent lecturer on Leadership, Risk Taking, and the Polar regions
Experienced in Mtn Biking, Running, Glacier Travel, Trekking and Kayaking

Hilde Fålun Strøm
Project Co-Leader Hearts In The Ice
Polar Ambassador and Citizen Scientist
Member Explorers Club
Married, 2 children, 3 grandchildren, has been living in Svalbard for 25 years
Expedition Leader- Svalbard Summit Ski Festival 2016, Arctic Haute Route 2017, Arctic Ski & Sail 2018, Reality TV Program “71° Nord”. Expedition Cruise Leader for “Future Talks” 2018
Responsible for all operations of the classic ship M/S Nordstjernen
Meteorological Observer at Jan Mayen and at Bear Island, 2013-14
Has spent more than two full years total in Trapper’s Huts in the High Arctic
Has had more than 300 polar bear encounters
Has deep Arctic expertise and have travelled around the whole Archepelago of Svalbard for 25 years.
Proficient in big game hunting – reindeer, fox, fowl – Svalbard
Experienced in : Kayaking, Snowmobiling, Glacier Travel, Climbing, Boat handling – Captain (D5LA), Skiing, Dogsledding, Photography and Trekking
What They’re Saying
“We are so thrilled Sunniva and Hilde are bringing awareness to the poles and have partnered as Citizen Scientists with FjordPhyto!
The polar regions are dynamic and changing fast. These changes affect the biology of the ecosystem, starting with the food source – phytoplankton.
The power of monitoring change comes from data gathered week after week. Sunniva and Hilde are in the perfect position to be at the front lines, helping further our understanding of how these precious places operate.”
Allison Cusick, FjordPhyto Project Lead Scripps Institution of Oceanography