
Seth Klein | Mobilizing Canada for Climate Change
Seth is the Team Lead and Director of Strategy with the Climate Emergency Unit. Prior to that, he served for 22 years as the founding director of the British Columbia office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), Canada’s foremost social justice think tank. He is now a freelance policy consultant, speaker, researcher and writer, and author of A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency. Seth is a columnist with the National Observer, an adjunct professor with Simon Fraser University’s Urban Studies program, and remains a research associate with the CCPA’s BC Office.
Telus is a global leader with respect to sustainability, and is continually seeking new and innovative ways to minimise impact on the planet. From building LEED-certified workspaces and data centres, to opting for low carbon alternatives for fleet vehicles, to turning to renewable energy to power for operations and implementing Work Styles for team members across the country, Telus is consistently demonstrating the importance of reducing the organization’s carbon footprint and using materials and resources responsibly.
Telus believes in creating a more sustainable future to ensure the ongoing health of our communities, customers and team members.
Telus is pleased to partner with Hearts in the Ice, a like-minded organization that also believes in caring for the planet that our children will inherit.
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