We’d like to express a heartfelt «Thank You» to our supporters who have donated on our GoFundMe page!  EVERY donation, large or small, is received with gratitude and makes a meaningful difference. 

We invite everyone to support our mission to create a platform for global dialogue about the changes we are experiencing in the Polar Regions, why these changes matter for the rest of the world, and what we can do about protecting our natural world.

Financial support is now needed for:

  • Citizen science data collection
  • Communication needs for the interactive school platform
  • Off grid power solutions
  • Provisions
  • Sustainable equipment (electronic snowmobile)
  • Medical supplies for our 9 month stay at Bamsebu.

Please take a look at our GoFundMe campaign details here.

Every cause, mission, expedition and worthy endeavour starts with a great story. Hearts In The Ice is no different.  We have a great cause, expedition and mission, except that our story is about all of us.

All 7.3 billion+ of us.

You are 1 in 7.3 billion+ but you are ONE.

The power of ONE is evidenced around the world.

Together, we can make a difference.


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